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技术栈 lixian 4年前 (2020-09-29) 21310次浏览 1个评论 扫描二维码


#1.添加heirloom-mailx apt源(在文件最下方添加一行)
[root@test.lixian.fun ~]# cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial main universe

[root@test.lixian.fun ~]# apt update

[root@test.lixian.fun ~]# apt install heirloom-mailx -y


[root@test.lixian.fun ~]# vim /etc/s-nail.rc
###for 163邮箱
set from="xxxxx@163.com" #发件地址
set smtp="smtps://smtp.163.com:465" #smtp服务器
set smtp-auth-user="xxxxxx@163.com" #登录发件地址
set smtp-auth-password="xxxx" #授权码
set smtp-auth=login #登录方式,默认是login,也可以改成CRAM-MD5或PLAIN方式

###for outlook
set from="xxxx@outlook.com"
set smtp="outlook.office365.com:587"
set smtp-auth-user="xxxx@outlook.com"
set smtp-auth-password="xxxx" #明文密码
set smtp-use-starttls #加密方式
set ssl-verify=ignore # 忽略ssl认证
set smtp-auth=login

###for QQ mail
set from="xxx@qq.com"
set smtp="smtps://smtp.qq.com:465"
set smtp-auth-user="xxx@qq.com"
set smtp-auth-password="ahkphxxabcbshabbga" #QQ邮箱授权码
set smtp-auth=login


echo "内容"|s-nail -s "主题" xxxx@163.com,xxxx@outlook.com #多个邮箱用逗号隔开
s-nail -s "邮件主题" xxx@163.com < result.txt

s-nail -vs "邮件主题" xxx@163.com < result.txt

s-nail -a 附件 -s "主题" 收件地址 < 文件(邮件正文.txt)
s-nail -a /xxx.tar.gz -s "主题" xxx@163.com < ./xxx.txt

#shell 当编辑器,编辑完内容后按Ctrl-D结束
s-nail -s '主题‘ xxx@163.com

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