[root@node1 ~]# yum makecache Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: mirrors.aliyun.com * extras: mirrors.aliyun.com * updates: mirrors.aliyun.com http://mirrors.aliyun.com/centos/6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found" Trying other mirror. To address this issue please refer to the below wiki article https://wiki.centos.org/yum-errors If above article doesn't help to resolve this issue please use https://bugs.centos.org/. http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com/centos/6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 12] Timeout on http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com/centos/6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: (28, nnect() timed out!') Trying other mirror. http://mirrors.cloud.aliyuncs.com/centos/6/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 6 - "Couldn't resolve host 'mirrors.cloud.aliyuncs.com'" Trying other mirror. Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: base. Please verify its path and try again
YumRepo Error: All mirror URLs are not using ftp, http[s] or file. Eg. Invalid release/repo/arch combination/ removing mirrorlist with no valid mirrors: /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/base/mirrorlist.txt Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base
yum clean all
然后yum makecache下
[base] name=CentOS-$releasever failovermethod=priority baseurl=https://vault.centos.org/6.9/os/x86_64/ gpgcheck=0